Doggos (and Cattos) Explained

Happy Saturday (even though I’m writing this on Friday)!

My friends know that I’m obsessed with DoggoSpeak, so they send me doggo memes all the time. Closer to the truth is that I’m obsessed with language and how it evolves (even from Doge to Doggo in just a year or two!), but that’s a post for another time. Cat talk like the now mostly forgotten can haz cheezburger also gets me thinking. I mean, why do cats and dogs have such horrible grammar and spelling skills? It does me a bamboozle.

A friend sent me a Youtube link today, and I went down down down down down the rabbit (doggo) hole. Feast your eyes on THESE!


Someone did this with cats too!!! This whole post is like the doggo/catto dictionary. Take that, Mister Webster!


This shitpost has been brought to you by: Weird Obsessions, Pet Love, and Too Much Cawfee!




Wow. Much Coffee. So Drinking.

I really like coffee.

Does this count as a blog post? It’s about nine in the morning. I’ve been up for about an hour and a half, and it’s only now that i’m having my coffee. So that means that the actual work time I get from sleep gives me 90 minutes of pep, and the rest comes from a mug.

Inigo coffee die

I turn my morning coffee into a power breakfast (of sorts). Instead of milk or creamer, I add protein shake. My mug is about 20 oz. 10 oz. of coffee, 10 oz. of protein shake, and I have a light breakfast. In an hour or two, I will take a break from working and make a real breakfast.

But right now I’m having a ton of trouble writing. Maybe I’m overworked? Maybe I’m undercoffeed?

Maybe I’m underDoged?

No, I’m definitely not underDoged.

Ok, this is just becoming and excuse to put up Doge memes. I better get back to work.

doge in space card redux

Like my posts? Follow my website or “Like” my facebook fan page and/or follow me on Twitter. You can also purchase my debut novel, Song of Simon, at any online bookstore or a real one (they both exist). Song of Simon currently has a 4.7/5.0 rating on Amazon, so it’s pretty damn good. If you’re looking for something FREE, you can read my serial (soon to be an expanded series of novels) The Watchmage of Old New York. Though it ended in February, 2014, it remains one of the most popular serials on JukePop OF ALL TIME!

New Business Cards?

I was messing around with pics and designs for new business cards that reflect my personality. I’ve narrowed it down to two, and I’d love to hear what the Internet thinks of them.

Option One:

cosmic-cat tripping balls redux

Option Two:

doge in space card redux

I also made a Crying Benoit one, but I think we’ll leave that one out of it.

Like my posts? Follow my website or “Like” my facebook fan page and/or follow me on Twitter. You can also purchase my debut novel, Song of Simon, at any online bookstore or a real one (you’ll probably have to order it). Of course, you can always buy an autographed one from me, just send me a message. Song of Simon currently has a 4.7/5.0 rating on Amazon, so people seem to like it. If you’re looking for something FREE, you can read my serial (soon to be an expanded series of novels) The Watchmage of Old New York. Though it ended in February, it remains one of the most popular serials on JukePop OF ALL TIME!

When Doge Memes Collide: Doge Hybrids

I have a serious addiction to memes. Yes, I love cat memes, space kitteh especially. But nothing…NOTHING…compares to my love of Doge. Ah, Doge, wow, much love, such funny, do want, very laugh, so meme. I have a shirt with Doge drawn like the Stark Dire Wolf. It says “wow, such winter, is coming, much cold.”

And of course, there’s this…

Craig with book and dog head

It doesn’t get geekier, or creepier than that.

Now anyone can make an ordinary Doge meme, but I’m going for something different (because I’m different). Here are some Doge memes combined with other memes. It’s a Titanic Team Up of Shiba Inu proportions (as opposed to the Titanic Team Up I blogged about the other day).

Nic Cage is in your Doge

Such world. Much wonderful.

Good morning Dogeshine. Much Earth so hello.

Doge Fawkes

I really love this one. No joke attached, it stands alone.

Wtf Crowe. Much awful. Ugh voice.

Two of my favorite memes came together for this awesomeness.

Much gin. Such juice.

Doge will survive the nuclear holocaust.

No mistakes. Wow, happy accidents.

I’m kinda over Grumpy Cat. No meme should should have a Christmas movie.

Like my posts? Follow my website or “Like” my facebook fan page and/or follow me on Twitter. You can also purchase my debut novel, Song of Simon, at any online bookstore or a real one (you’ll probably have to order it). Of course, you can always buy an autographed one from me, just send me a message. Song of Simon currently has a 4.8/5.0 rating on Amazon, so people seem to like it. If you’re looking for something FREE, you can read my serial (soon to be an expanded series of novels) The Watchmage of Old New York. Though it ended in February, it remains one of the most popular serials on JukePop OF ALL TIME!